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当前位置: 智能手机网 >软件下载 > 油画板下载 Serious下载 Paint下载 v1.8安卓版下载

油画板下载 Serious下载 Paint下载 v1.8安卓版下载

更新时间:2021-08-03 11:31:46    浏览次数:307+次

Serious Paint软件介绍

Serious Paint是一款多媒体类手机软件,今天智能手机网就来为您提供油画板下载 Serious下载 Paint下载 v1.8安卓版下载。Serious Paint能让你无论身在何处都能随时随地的使用Serious Paint来充分发挥你的艺术创造力!(感谢Yuki918的自购分享)功能特点:- 自然的模拟笔刷- 创新和直观的工具- 可配置的颜色样本喜欢这款软件的小伙伴可以到下方去下载。

Serious Paint软件点评


Serious Paint更新说明

In answer to popular demand -- added a filesystem load/save screen, in addition to the Android-style 'share' functionality that was there before.Also added a little hint text to some of the dialogs, as some users weren't finding the long-press menu items.Added limited French internationalization.

希望以上Serious Paint软件的介绍能让大家更加了解这款软件,如果你喜欢这款APP,不妨在下方下载,祝您生活愉快,合家欢乐。